Terms & Conditions for Snoworks Gap Ski Instructor Courses
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Terms & Conditions

Please read all the information carefully and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

These terms and conditions (Booking Conditions), constitute a contract with Snoworks GAP Ltd company number 432374, trading as Snoworks Pro.


Agreeing To The Booking Conditions
By booking a ski course either by telephone or email you will be agreeing to these booking terms and conditions. If you are booking on behalf of others you will also be taking on responsibility that the other members of your group have read and agreed to these booking conditions. Please read them carefully and if there is anything you are unsure about please contact us immediately. All the booking conditions along with information on our website, telephone conversations and emails that you have received form the basis for your contract with Snoworks Pro.


Snoworks Pro uses the services of instructors to provide the service as advertised on the Snoworks Pro website. Instructors are qualified through their governing body in their country of residence or the country in which they provide their service. Their membership through their professional organisation includes insurance to provide the services they are qualified to deliver. They are not employees of Snoworks Pro. They are self-employed professionals contracted in by Snoworks Pro to provide the service as described on this website. When under their care your contract is direct with them. Should you be involved in any dispute involving an instructor where the dispute involves insurance then this will be direct with the organisation that provides their insurance, not Snoworks Pro.


Booking And Paying For A Course
A £1000 non-refundable deposit is required as a deposit to reserve your place on all our courses. Full payment is required 6 weeks prior to departure. We cannot reserve spaces on a course until a deposit has been paid. In the case of failing to pay the final balance within the specified time frame, reminders will be sent and failure to pay the final balance could result in the course being cancelled with the loss of the deposit.

For Level 3 Training, Eurotest and Test Technique training, full payment is required 6 weeks before arrival, but no deposit is necessary.


Course Cancellation Policy (non-COVID)
If for any reason you may need to cancel your course prior to commencing, the following will apply:-

BASI 1 & 2 Courses

  • If you have paid your deposit we can transfer this to the next years ski Pro course (1 year only)
  • If you have paid in full, you will need to claim on your own insurance, as once the full balance is paid we are unable to offer any type of refund, as we will have already paid for services by all external providers. Please be sure that your insurance policy covers these potential eventualities.

Level 3 Training, Eurotest and Test Technique training

  • We can offer a full refund for any cancellation up to 3-weeks prior to the start of the course. After this date, we are unable to offer a refund unless we can fill your place with another trainee on a waitlist. If there is no replacement trainee available, then you would need to claim on your own insurance.


Covid-19 Specific Course Cancellation Policy 

If we are forced to cancel our courses due to one of the below circumstances, then we WOULD be able to offer a refund*.

  • France/Austria/Italy closes its border to Britain with reference to any pandemic/epidemic or vice-versa.
  • If there is a local/regional/national ‘lockdown’ in France/Austria/Italy meaning you are not able to travel to Tignes/Kaprun/Cervinia.
  • If the UK government/FCO advises against travel to France/Austria/Italy or local region (to include Tignes/Kaprun/Cervinia), for the period of your course, before your arrival date.


* Refunds available for our BASI 1 & 2 courses

If the course is cancelled 3-weeks prior to your arrival, then we will give you a refund minus £500 (pro-rata) which will be kept by our accommodation provider under their T&C’s. If the course is forced to cancel partway through, then we will issue a partial refund, for all services we have yet to use/pay for.

* Refunds available for our Level 3 Training, Eurotest and Test Technique training

If the course is cancelled prior to the start date we will issue a full refund. If the course is cancelled partway through, then we will offer a partial refund, we will refund for the days remaining where no training has been given.


Criteria For BASI Levels 1 and 2
The criteria for achieving the pass level at BASI levels 1 and 2 can be viewed on the official BASI website. If for any reason you do not achieve the required level, Snoworks Pro or the instructors working on behalf of Snoworks Pro cannot be held responsible.


Achieving BASI Level 1
If you are unsuccessful at achieving the BASI level 1, the Fast-Track course will be adjusted accordingly so you may re-sit the level 1 towards the end of the course but not the level 2. On certain occasions, it may be possible to retake the level 1 at the start or before the start of the level 2 and progress directly to the level 2. This is a matter for BASI and not Snoworks Pro to decide. Snoworks Pro is not responsible for any extra fees incurred in re-sitting the BASI level 1 and taking the BASI level 2 outside of the Snoworks Pro course timetable advertised.


Achieving BASI Level 2
The BASI level 2 is held on the final two weeks of the Level 1/2 course. If you are unsuccessful at achieving the required level you can re-sit the level 2 at a later date. Course dates are advertised on the BASI website. It may still be possible to re-sit the level 2 and source work for the majority of the season. Snoworks Pro is not responsible for any extra fees incurred outside of the advertised Snoworks Pro Course dates.


Completing All Criteria
There are many aspects to achieving the criteria for BASI level 1 and 2. If for any reason you are not able to complete the criteria as described on the official BASI website due to injury, illness or any other circumstances, Snoworks Pro cannot be held responsible. No refunds can be given. Please make sure your insurance covers you for this eventuality.


The laws in France/Italy and other countries outside the UK apply the same to residents as non-residents. Even if you are a resident in the UK you will still be expected to abide by any local laws including driving, drinking and social behaviour. Skiing is a dangerous activity and cannot be undertaken safely when under the influence or effect of alcohol, drugs or lack of sleep. Snoworks Pro reserves the right to refuse to train any candidate in this situation. Missing training could affect your ability to achieve the required level for BASI level 1 and 2. In case of persistent neglect of the above, Snoworks Pro reserves the right to ask you to leave the course with no refund available. Snoworks Pro asks every student to agree to, observe and abide, by the code of conduct of our Behaviour Policy throughout the course programme.



A helmet is obligatory.


Declaring Existing Illnesses and Injuries
At the time of booking, you must disclose any existing illnesses or injuries that could affect your ability to ski safely and competently and not place any undue risk on instructors, guides, other group members or members of the public. Snoworks Pro will decide whether any existing illnesses or injuries that are disclosed will place instructors, mountain guides and other clients at risk after taking advice from our insurance company and the relevant skiing governing bodies. Failure to disclose any existing illnesses or injuries could result in an instructor or guide refusing to take you in a group. In this situation, refunds cannot be given.


It is your responsibility to make sure you have adequate insurance cover for the ski course you have booked.


Security breakage deposit (only applies to courses where accommodation is provided as part of the course content) 

Once your course is confirmed you will be asked for a security breakage deposit of £200, this will be destroyed after your course completion unless damages beyond ‘normal wear and tear’ have occurred. In such case the invoice for the repairs to the chalet or Apt’s will be paid and divided by those responsible or in most cases all persons in the property at the time. These deposit payments will be 100% refunded if no such issues arise.


Accepting Risk
By booking a Snoworks Pro course you will be taking advantage of a huge amount of experience and expertise. The instructors who work on behalf of Snoworks Pro are very skilled at developing performance as described on the Snoworks Pro website. The instructors are well trained in the safety aspects of skiing in the mountains. They can advise, help and lead you. However, skiing involves an element of risk, which you must accept as inherent to the sport. You must take responsibility for your own actions and decisions when skiing on the mountain either by yourself or within a Snoworks Pro group. It is known that accidents do happen as part of skiing. By booking on a Snoworks Pro ski course or training you will be accepting the risk involved and accepting that an accident may happen. You will also be responsible for deciding to take part in any activity whether an exercise, a particular technique, skiing a particular slope, skiing a particular speed or skiing particular snow textures. In race training you will also be accepting whether to ski a particular ‘course’ and what speed to ski at. Snoworks Pro instructors cannot be held responsible for accidents and your actions. If at any point you wish not to take part in an activity for any reason then you must let the instructor or mountain guide know immediately.


Individual Responsibility and The FIS Code Of Conduct
All skiers must ski in accordance with the ‘FIS Skiers’ Code Of Conduct’. Shown below. Each member of the group has the responsibility to ski in accordance with these rules. Snoworks Pro are not responsible for how each skier chooses to ski. If you are involved in an accident involving another member of the group or a member of the general public, Snoworks Pro and the instructor cannot be held responsible. If an injury occurs due to a collision or incident then your dispute will be with the person/persons involved in the incident and not Snoworks Pro or instructor.


FIS Skiers Code of Conduct
It is the responsibility of every skier whether skiing by themselves or in a Snoworks Pro group to adhere to the FIS skiers Code of Conduct as summarised below. Failure to do so, could lead to civil and criminal liability in the event of an accident. More detailed versions can be obtained from the FIS website.

1. Respect For Others 
Skiers must behave in such a way that they do not endanger or prejudice others. Skiers are responsible for their behaviour and their equipment.

2. Control Of Speed and Skiing 
Skiers must ski in control. They must adapt their speed and manner of skiing to their personal ability and to the prevailing conditions.

3. Choice Of Route 
Skiers coming from behind must choose their route so as to not endanger skiers ahead. In other words, the skier in front/below always has priority.

4. Overtaking 
Skiers may overtake other skiers above or below and to the right or the left, provided they leave enough space for the overtaken skier to make any voluntary or involuntary movement.

COMMENT: A skier or snowboarder who overtakes another is wholly responsible for completing that manoeuvre in such a way to cause no difficulty to the skier or snowboarder being overtaken. This responsibility rests with him until the overtaking manoeuvre has been completed. This rule applies even when overtaking a stationary skier or snowboarder.

5. Entering And Starting
Skiers entering a marked run or setting off must look up and down the run to make sure that they can do so without endangering themselves or others.

COMMENT: The development of carving skis and snowboards allows their users to carve and turn upwards on the slopes. Hence they move opposite to the general downhill traffic. They must, therefore, make sure in time that they can do so without endangering themselves and others.

6. Stopping On The Piste 
Unless absolutely necessary, skiers must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where visibility is restricted. After a fall in such a place the skier must move clear of the piste as soon as possible.

7. Climbing And Descending On Foot 
Whether climbing or descending on foot, skiers must keep to the side of the piste.

8. Respect For Signs And Markings
Skiers must respect all signs and markings.

9. Assistance At accidents all skiers are duty-bound to assist. Hit and run offences in skiing will incur a criminal conviction similar to hit and run offences on the road.

10. Identification All skiers and witnesses, whether a responsible party or not, must exchange names and addresses following an accident.


Financial Protection Over Monies Paid In Advance

Any monies paid in advance (of your departure date) for other services are held in a Snoworks Pro (Snoworks Gap Ltd) trust account and are only used to pay the service provider in the following circumstances:
1. The service provider that we are booking your other services with have financial security arrangements in place either through bonding, insurance or the operation of their own trust account.
2. You return from your ski course so the service has been provided.


Snoworks Pro And Your Personal data

You Can view Snoworks Pro privacy policy here.


Emergency Telephone Contacts
UK Office
0344 543 0503


Snoworks GAP Ltd. Registered in Scotland as Snoworks Gap Ltd SC432374. Trading as Snoworks Pro.