Here is a short blog post showing all the fun and experiences team Snoworks GAP 2018 had teaching skiing in Europe and Japan following their course with us back in Autumn in Tignes, France.
After completing our 8-week ski instructor course in Tignes to train and...
Words by SnoworksGAP 2016 instructor Kinvara Robertson on her GAP year.
In October 2016, I embarked upon what proved to be some of the best weeks of my life. During my 8-week course with Snoworks GAP I learnt a huge amount of skills to develop my...
Posted at 15:46h
Following on from the last two fitness related blogs “Skiing and Cycling the perfect marriage” and “Weight training and Plyometrics” we bring you the last in the series “Core, the Centre of it all”
The core muscles are paramount to your general health and wellbeing and...
Posted at 15:39h
Weight training & Plyometrics for skiing
You don’t need to look far to see the importance of weight training and plyometrics in the world of skiing. You Tube videos of our ski racing heros’ performing amazing feats of strength and balance combined. Video Whilst I strongly...
Posted at 14:43h
#strongskilegs has been the default hashtag on SnoworksGAP’s Instagram this spring and summer, the reason being is that the SnoworksGAP lead instructor Lee Townend, has been bitten by the road cycling bug.
It doesn’t matter what you do to keep fit, but if you are considering training...
Posted at 14:35h
(image is Rupert G ripping the windsurf in Greece summer 2015)
SnoworksGAP Ski instructors - What do they do in the off season???
Ever wondered what a SnoworksGAP ski instructor does in the summer?
The question you will get asked the most as a ski instructor is: -
‘So what...
Working in 'Japow' as a ski instructor. The best job in the world!
Words by SnoworksGAP 2014 ski instructor Joe Cutler.
Immediately after passing my BASI level 2 (British Association of Snowsports Instructors) I was in a plane heading to Niseko, Japan to work for 'Go Snow' ski school.
The skiing in Japan...
Words by SnoworksGAP ski instructor Nick Jenner.
Working at the Hermitage Club:
Despite failing the technical component of my BASI 2 exam, I was fortunate to have two jobs offers to instruct, one in Switzerland, the other at the Hermitage Club in the US.
After much deliberation, I...
Posted at 13:42h
Here is a fantastic blog from our good friends at Voucher code pro about skiing beginners. Aspiring ski instructors to SnoworksGAP, here are some wise words.
"A beginners guide - click HERE"...